You may remember last summer the club organised a silent auction, led fantastically by Aaron Seekings, which raised over £1200. The money was raised with the specific intention to fund the purchase of a defibrillator for the club.
Last night, a group of players, coaches and volunteers involved with the club undertook a session at The Horry Panks Cricket Ground on how to use a defibrillator in case of an emergency.
We were delighted to welcome Dr Nick Morton, who also plays cricket locally for Hethersett and Tas Valley, to the ground who kindly donated his time to train our group of willing participants.
It is imperative as a community that we recognise the danger that a cardiac arrest can happen to anyone and at any time. An individual’s chance of survival falls by 10% as each minute passes without defibrillator and by training people to use this piece of equipment, we hope they gain the knowledge and confidence to use it in the event that it is required.
We’ve sought our volunteers from throughout the club, from players in our first team right through to coaches, our ladies team and volunteers to try and ensure that there is always someone on hand to help.
We’d like to thank Dr Morton for his time last night and we are sure that those involved found the training valuable.
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